Saturday, August 14, 2010

Why the new blog

    Reading is my sixth sense. I can't remember a time when I haven't read. Novels, poetry, short stories, biographies, essays, columns, ads, shampoo bottles. Whether well written or poorly written, I can't help but lavish attention on them. In short, I always have several books lying around, bookmarked with memos, papers, sales receipts, bobby pins... whatever happens to be around when I am forced to lay aside a fantastic story. This was not always so. Before I had children, I very rarely put down a book until I had read it from cover to cover. I never needed bookmarks either for the few times I did finish. I could remember the page number and the paragraph where I stopped. Not so anymore, but my love of the written word has never diminished.
    So why this blog? Even though I have children, very young ones, I still am enthralled with reading and history. Ask me what I'm currently reading, and you will more than likely not get the answer you expect, at least for a mom. I have a certain, unique fascination-- uh, interest, would be a less creepy descriptor-- with German history, specifically the era of about 1900-1945. I would like to broaden that range by about twenty years on either side, but haven't gotten that far-- it will require several more books and research. That would be my specialty, but I dabble around in early American history and the histories of ancient Greece and Rome. So the purpose of this 'new' blog is to share some in my personal interests and reading.
    My first interest in blogging was my family. I love talking about my kids, but there is a point where my whole life is not about my kids. It sure feels that way sometimes, but this is an attempt to share another side of my life. I would love any questions or comments, any discussion on topics that I touch on. I know many women that  become so wrapped up in their children, that they lost sight of who they were before kids and have no clue who they are after the last child flies the coop. My children are a part of me, but they don't define all of me. So here goes... history can be fun. I promise. This is not high school history.


  1. This sounds like a great idea. Reading habits such as this are the reason that I am not reading a lot of fiction at the moment. I'm lost once I begin. I have never noticed chapters, which got me in trouble more than once when I was little and only supposed to read to the next chapter before say, cleaning my room, or some such similar nonesense.

  2. Yes, I have no sense of time when I read; chapters, pages, books, volumes... Oh, my. ;)
